Sunday, July 8, 2012


Editor's note: More pictures available at

A scent of the cold breezy morning and birds were chirping happily around.

On the meadow seeing folks and children in full spirit with hats and gloves, cleaning mechanism – brooms, spades etc., fleets of garbage trucks with number of MPSJ workers turning up sharp at 9am.  What a joy to see with this rectitude of the community to make their Taman cleanliness fundamental.

Chopping trees, grass cutting and clearing up trashes in every corner of the park with folks and children relayed the tasks.  It was such a beautiful sight and rejoiced experiencing the sheer goodness of team spirit and indisputable emblem of UNITY.

Cr. Chang Kim Loong Amn and his team of four (4), Jacky The , Mok Weng Onn, Jordan Kum and Alice Choo participated in this event and endeavored “Towards Community Bonding” notion as benchmark.

Jacky is also the Hon. Secretary of RA Puteri 11.  He is a man with heart of gold who really cares and concern for the community has been frequently organizing this event in his Taman to bond the ties of his residents.
Gotong Royong ends at 12pm and we felt so rejuvenated after all!


Alice Choo
Member of JKP Zone 16